✦My love reflected in your skin. My energy walking your blood.

(nah) – “Intlamatini: tlahuilli ocotl, tomahuac acotl ahpocyoc;
tezcatl, coyahuac tezcatl necoc xapo…”

(eng) – “Whoever feels things is light, it is ocote wood, thick ocote wood that does not smoke;
It is a mirror, a wide mirror that reflects on both sides.”

(esp)– “El que siente las cosas, es luz, es ocote, es grueso ocote que no humea;
es espejo, espejo amplio que refleja por ambos lados.”

✦Everything that exists can be changed, is moldable,
with your hands and with your heart; make it more beautiful
so that you live in harmony with what exists around you.
Put your heart to everything.

Toltec advice from the mexica chronicles.